What is Together We Can ?

Imagine there’s a class you can take before you learn to swim. Like a learn to swim pre-requisite. Well, this is it…

Together We Can (™) or TWC is all about going back to the very beginning. On a scale of 1-10, this course is for those who sit at -3; for people with very little to no swimming ability who are hesitant, nervous or scared about getting into the water. This programme has been created by individuals with more than 40 years of swim teaching and coaching experience and has been designed specifically to cater to those who don’t know where, or how, to start.

What makes our programme different?

Water safety comes first, every time. Over this five-week course we cover everything from safe pool entries, to aquatic breathing, to body composition and buoyancy. Before we move through the water, we float safely.

More mental than physical. Although being in the pool can be quite tiring for our participants, this programme is much more mental than it is physical. You’ll be asked to let go of past traumas, unlearn bad habits, and embrace and adopt healthier ones. At times, you’ll be challenged to push yourself past your level of comfort, but above all, this course will require you to trust us with your water journey – no matter how difficult or delightful it may be.

You’re not alone. We’re proud to have a high practitioner to participant ratio, which enables the course to be delivered at a pace suitable for each participant. This means that each individual is able to progress at a speed that suits them depending on their ability and goals. Plus the teachers are always in the water with you – every step of the way.

Together We Can…Better Corporate

A group of employees were given the chance to engage with a bespoke iteration of TWC (™,) known as Corporate Blue Hour (™). Over five weeks and sponsored by their employer, our participants developed their confidence, competence and safety skills in the water. 

The first BSA Corporate Blue Hour (™) programme ran in spring 2023 with PwC UK employees.

Read more about the inaugural Corporate Blue Hour™